Monday, June 21, 2010

What to Keep...

...and what to throw out... Oh, it is hard to say.

I have 3 boxes of "junk" heading to Good.will. They are going to love me. Couple of things I almost accidently threw away...2 pair of brand new shoes and an little old black velvet box...thought it was empty but on GP I opened it up...a pair or diamond earrings where inside. Real
Also while clearing out the pockets of my purses...I ran across an old pack of gum, $20 bill, a few vanilla wipes, and a condom.
I can't even remember when I needed a condom. Muchless, when I needed to have one handy in my purse. Apparently I haven't used this particular purse in a bajillion years. Sad.

I have been listening to music since 8:30 this morning...packing (if you can call 2 boxes in 11 hours packing) and shooting the she-ite with friends about blogging, moving and men. All of which I am pretty versed in, considering I obviously live for all 3. Well, maybe not blogging.

But I am back YO!
Blogging that is.

I figured with me being a new resident of the great state of LaWeezie-Anna...I am going to have a whole brand new U.haul truck of stories to tell. BTW, if someone out there knows how to turn my blue eyes brown...let me know.

...and so...once again...hold on... Here we go!


Aly Cat 121 said...

make sure you wear a mask from all the dayum toxins being carried in the wind from the oil spill.

Bananas said...

I'm working on th eye thing.

neil said...

I knew the writer in you wouldn't be pinned down long!! Welcome back :)

mia. said...

So glad you're back! Things just aren't write (sorry) without your words!!!

chele said...

Feels like deja vu ...

Pardon Me But... said...

Aly: Oddly, I've met about 7 ppl that just moved to the area also. I thought people would be high-tailing it out of there...

Terry: Light brown

Neil: Don't expect too much Neil ;)

Mia: I had a jillion titles with "write" in it. I try to stay consistent in my inconsistency.

Chele: Deja Vu but cajun/creole/bayou style. Girl, you know I have never lived in the souf/'s a culture shock.

La said...

Oh, thank GOD. lol

So glad you are writing again. And moving closer to me of course, lol

Keith said...

Gurl, youse a mess! LOL, but you know I like it!

K.S. said...

Glad to see you back in the saddle... I am looking forward to reading about your adventures in Da Big Easy of La-Weeezy-ana.

Knockout Zed said...

Good to see you. You shoulda used my suggestion! I'm just sayin'...


La Diva Latina said...

So glad to see you blogging, missed ur writing, righting... thanks for the link. Just revisited my old blogs the other day contemplating...good luck with the move can't wait to hear all about it !!!

Rich Fitzgerald said...

NY, DC, and Lou-weezie-anna. You are so unpredictable, but that's why I like reading you.