Friday, August 6, 2010

Thought Some Thoughts

I forgot my password to blogger.
I guess that's a hint that I should blog a little more often.

Oh lord...I can't even remember all the things that have transpired since last writing...but I will endeavor to keep ya'll abreast of my goings on...

Living: Umm, still doing it...but in a hot & sweaty type of way. And first 2 weeks here I lost mad weight...but since then...umm, tho I secrete...I lose nothing.
I have yet to call cable to come hook my ish up. I had an appointment but I wasn't here when old dude showed up...I was supposed to re-schedule but I never did. I am not sure why I haven't yet. It could be due to my mullah which is acting very unfriendly right now or...I was thinking that if I didn't have cable I'd be less likely to sit my wide ass in front of the tv all day. Wrong. My wide ass has it's own section of the couch that I made specifically for the comfort of said wide ass. Nothing better than happy ass is what I always say. Well, maybe not always.
My dad's bestfriend came here for a convention and we had dinner...and he inspired me. Not inspired me to do But inspired me with the things he spoke about...but I am still lazy and still filled with self doubt concerning possibility of failure.
I had a friend visit from Houston...I want to write more but I can't...not because of anything in particular...but because I haven't really thought about it...if there is anything to think of at all...

Work: Nada

Loving: Heh heh ha! Yeaaaah, well see, what happens is that...I live around like a bajillion bars...and when drinking, I have found that everyone is a lot nicer (including myself) I have locked some lips with some menz that I am sure I'd never gave the time of day to had I my right damn mind.
However, there has been one constant...well...if 4 days on and 6 days off...and now back to our on days is considered consistent. I am going to call him Red...his skin is the color of red clay...he makes me want to eat him up...(and unless you read my last post on the other won't get that red clay/eating comment.)
I can't speak too much on him because I am still figuring out what I am going to do...and why I am doing it.
Then there is NOPD...and he's not really in the running for a mate(substitute)...but oddly, I like a challenge...and even though I don't plan on keeping the's still cool to run the race.
And finally, there is Irving. I like him. I am not sure how far that will go because...well...although I like his personality/sense of humor...I can see that at some point I am going to need him to act a little more mature. I can't be walking around laughing all the time...hel, we're grown ups and we need to think about grown up ish...and stress on it! SO his little happy-go-luckiness...he needs to tap that down. Just sayin'...why the hell you always grinnin'?
But he's a diamond.

And finally, the "Ideal", gone. He left me. Left me the hell alone. I want to be able to say I left him or even that we left eachother...but reality sets in and I know he left me.

Which brings me to sexin' it up...
Is sexin it up the only one true thing that we as women will ever know about men that's fact? I know SOME men that love sports, I know SOME men that love money, I know SOME men that live for family, I even know SOME men that love being single... but EVERY man I know loves them some sex. Without a doubt and with no hesitation. This I think I know. But when it becomes a quest to get the most as fast as you can...I don't get it.
At the end of the your cards right and it's pretty much a given...but you have to have some damn patience.
Then again, there are a lot of women wo don't require much of a wait...and if you can get the sex in fast...then you can move onto the next one. I however require to much time and energy for some men. I can't and don't give up the snatch as fast as some. Maybe because I know, that as long as I have breath in my body and desire to get some...dick will always be there...I ain't got to rush.
In saying that, is it not like that for men? Or is it that y'all think vagina is going to run out and you need to get as much as you can before the drought sets in?
Just sayin'...

I think I may have a lively weekend ahead...if so, will make sure I update before I forget it.



Bananas said...

There's two things I know for sure...I'll always be fucked up, and I'll always enjoy having you for a friend. - You got stories.

chele said...

Maybe because I know, that as long as I have breath in my body and desire to get some...dick will always be there...I ain't got to rush.

You ain't nevah lied.

Organized Noise said...

Just passing through. Getting reacquainted with the blogosphere. Glad that you started writing again. Missed you here and in the Big Apple. Hope the Big Easy is taking care of you.

Anonymous said...

I always say it is easier for us women to give it away then for a man to get some punanny.

The Brown Blogger said...

I've noticed in my experiences that when the priority is placed on the actual nuts and bolts of the thing and not the speed of which sex is got(meaning it is an integral part, but more like desert)...


La said...

Hope all is well in NOLA :-)