Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bored Chestnuts

I was coasting down highway 10...around 75mph.

Figured if he was going to let me drive...I was going to see what this thing had. I likes to drive.

So I have been spending time with Michael. He makes me smile and laugh. He's clearly smarter than me. I like that too. Who likes to surround themselves with idiots. Well, sometimes it's necessary. I need to feel smart evry now and then. *shrug*

Michael is the name we gave him in place of his middle name. His middle is fabulous that it's insane. His name doesn't suit him at we came up with Michael. He's pretty awesome and although he is just my friend...I find that I am crushing on him. I learn a lot from him, being in his space.

...and he lets me drive...

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